Monday 30 November 2015


Graphic Designer- £30 hourly rate, I would need the graphic designer for my designs, for 3 hours a day for 4 weeks which would cost £1800.

Software- £189.99, I will use this software to design logos, posters and t-shirts etc.

Merchandise and Advertising-

Posters- For 50 posters it will cost £27.49

T-shirts- It will cost only £8 for 4000+ printed t-shirts I will sell these t-shirts at my event for £15, if I sell all of the tshirts it would make £60,000

Billboards- To advertise my event for 2 weeks it will cost £190, I plan on advertising my event on the billboards for 8 weeks which would cost £760

Tickets- It will cost £326 to have 10,000 tickets printed, I will sell the tickets for £230 each which, if the event sold old, would make £2,300,000, I will use this money to pay event workers, and will pay off the costs for advertising and would pay the acts.

Friday 20 November 2015

LO4- Adobe illustrator

Adobe illustrator is a designing programme used by both artists and graphic designers to create vector images.


Raster- Graphic that loses quality
Vector-Graphic that doesn't lose quality
PNG- Portable network graphic, can be used across print and web
JPEG- Joint expert photographic group
Anchor points-Little squares on the path that we can manipulate and pull apart

Wednesday 11 November 2015

LO3-Presentation Feedback

After pitching Ian Anderson said that my ideas were solid and locked down. He said that my poster looked professional and he wouldn't know it was a students work if he saw it, but it could be slightly improved. He also said that next time I need to step out of my comfort zone, and when designing a new concept do something you're not used to.

Here is Ian Anderson and some of the projects he has worked on.
