Friday 18 December 2015

LO5- Logo Design

LO5- Ticket Design

LO5- Tshirt Design

LO5-Poster Design

LO5-Editing evidence

LO4- Legal and Ethical

Only one of the images I am using will need to be checked for copyright, the link for this image is below:

ASA- following the advertising standards agency regulations I will not be allowed advertise anything misleading to an audience. The images I am using show off the theme of Mod Fest and are conventions of Mod Culture which fits in with what the festival is trying to create, so it is not misleading to an audience. My advertisements do not promote use of alcohol even though it may be consumed at the event.

Monday 7 December 2015

LO4- Production Schedule

I will start marketing and advertising my festival on June 1st. As my festival begins towards the end of August this will be enough time to advertise my festival and get the word out there. I will start selling tickets on July 15th, this is so there is enough time to advertise the festival, and plenty of time to buy tickets before the festival starts. I will start selling t-shirts on August 4th, this gives people time to buy the t-shirts who are going to the festival and if people wear them before it is a good form of advertisement.

Monday 30 November 2015


Graphic Designer- £30 hourly rate, I would need the graphic designer for my designs, for 3 hours a day for 4 weeks which would cost £1800.

Software- £189.99, I will use this software to design logos, posters and t-shirts etc.

Merchandise and Advertising-

Posters- For 50 posters it will cost £27.49

T-shirts- It will cost only £8 for 4000+ printed t-shirts I will sell these t-shirts at my event for £15, if I sell all of the tshirts it would make £60,000

Billboards- To advertise my event for 2 weeks it will cost £190, I plan on advertising my event on the billboards for 8 weeks which would cost £760

Tickets- It will cost £326 to have 10,000 tickets printed, I will sell the tickets for £230 each which, if the event sold old, would make £2,300,000, I will use this money to pay event workers, and will pay off the costs for advertising and would pay the acts.

Friday 20 November 2015

LO4- Adobe illustrator

Adobe illustrator is a designing programme used by both artists and graphic designers to create vector images.


Raster- Graphic that loses quality
Vector-Graphic that doesn't lose quality
PNG- Portable network graphic, can be used across print and web
JPEG- Joint expert photographic group
Anchor points-Little squares on the path that we can manipulate and pull apart

Wednesday 11 November 2015

LO3-Presentation Feedback

After pitching Ian Anderson said that my ideas were solid and locked down. He said that my poster looked professional and he wouldn't know it was a students work if he saw it, but it could be slightly improved. He also said that next time I need to step out of my comfort zone, and when designing a new concept do something you're not used to.

Here is Ian Anderson and some of the projects he has worked on.


Friday 16 October 2015


I need to create a mind map for content on my presentation, I also need to add my draft work to my presentation. 

Friday 9 October 2015

LO2- Recap on progress

I'm working on audience profile for my presentation and adding music to it.

Friday 18 September 2015

LO1- Analysing existing graphic design work, Rimmel London

Purpose: The purpose of the Rimmel London Apocalips campaign is to advertise the product to the audience, so that they buy it.

Format: The ways in which this campaign advertises is through posters and billboards, which will be placed in various places in different cities around the UK. There is also tv adverts which would have been broadcasted on different channels.

Content: there isn't a lot of information on the poster, all it contains is the Rimmel London logo, the product, and Kate Moss. This connotes that they wanted to keep the full focus on them three so that it makes the icon and product stand out to the viewer. There is a lot of white space on the poster, yet again to keep the attention on what they are trying to sell. The house style of the campaign manly focusses on the colour scheme which consists of purple, red and pink, as they are the colours of lipsticks they are trying to sell, and connotes a feminine vibe. The font is sans serif which keeps the campaign modern.

Style: the style of the Rimmel London apocalips campaign is very artsy, as they use paint strokes which are lipstick marks to create the Union Jack. It is also very modern as the colours are very bold and bright and this connotes positivity and femininity.

Layout: the layout of the campaign poster is very simple, this is because it doesn't contain a lot of information. The only information which is in the poster is the brand name, the star icon and the product itself. The star icon is placed in the centre of the poster as she is the main focus. This keeps the attention on her as the poster is not cluttered.

Target Audience: The target audience of this campaign is females between the ages of 16-30, this is because it is mostly women who use and buy these products. The age is because this is the age that usually wear the new trendy products. The social grading would be ABC1 as they would have a large disposable to spend on their products. 

Regulatory bodies: There is no offensive material on this poster that could cause any harm to the viewer. The Rimmel logo on the campaign is to make sure the company is branded and can not be copyrighted.

Friday 11 September 2015

LO1- Analysing existing graphic design work, Leeds Fest

Purpose: The purpose of this poster is to advertise Leeds/Reading Fest to the public, so that more of the public buy the tickets for the events and they gain a profit.

Format: The format of this poster varies as it is advertised in many places. For example posters in city centres and around town, website banners and billboards.

Content: This poster contains information about the event. It includes which acts are headlining the event, the dates of the event and which acts are on which dates. On this poster there is not a lot of white space as the flyer is filled with information. The house style of this flyer is particularly simple, the poster only uses three colours, red, black and yellow, I think it helps the information stand out and the poster doesn't looked too cramped. The Leeds Fest information sticks to one font which is also sans serif, this connotes that the festival is very modern. However they use the fonts the artists use for their names. There is not a lot of kerning or leading in this poster, this is maybe to connote the festival is jam packed with entertainment.

Style: The style of the Leeds fest campaign is very bold. It sticks to bold colours so that it stands out to the audience. The colours connote a positive vibe as they are bright, but the red and black suggest a manly environment. This connotes that the festival would be fun but does suggest it can be quite dangerous. They use the arrows as they are well known and a symbol of Leeds fest so without even reading the name you already know it's Leeds fest.

Layout: The layout of the poster is very simple, it sticks to the columns so that the audience are able to focus on the main purpose which is the acts. They have made the logo the biggest part of the poster and put it all up one side, so that the audience know that it is Leeds fest. The layout on all advertisements for Leeds fest are fairly simple, this is so they keep to the point.

Target Audience: The target audience for Leeds Fest is males between the ages of 18-28, this is because the acts that are playing at Leeds Fest mainly reach out and relate to a male audience, the reason for this age is that you mainly associate festivals with younger adults and 18 because of alcohol sales.

Regulatory Bodies: The Advertising Standards Authority is the UK’s independent regulator of advertising across all media. There is no offensive material on this poster that could cause any harm to the viewer. It also does not promote drugs or alcohol usage, even though such events may occur at the festival.

LO1- Analysing existing graphic design work, Doc Fest

Purpose: The purpose of this poster is to advertise Sheffield Doc/Fest to the public, so that more of
the public buy the tickets for the events and they gain a profit.

Format: The format of this advertisement is a poster. Which was placed all around Sheffield to advertise the event. This is also advertised on websites, as banners for example.

Content: The poster doesn't have a lot of content, it only contains the name of the festival, the dates and the location. The house style of the campaign is very bold. It sticks to the colours pink, yellow and white. It makes the poster stand out in society by it being bright and colourful. The poster also appeals to both genders with the two main colours. The poster doesn't contain much white space as the patterns are covering the blank space, this is effective as it doesn't make the poster look boring, however the patterns don't make it look cluttered.

Style: The style of the campaign is very modern, as the patterns, shapes and fonts are really bold. The colour scheme connotes that the festival is fun and upbeat as the colours are bright.

Layout: The layout of the campaign is simple but very effective, they use small paragraphs of information to separate the text. This is to make sure the poster is not cluttered and is easy to read. They put the icon in the middle of the poster, this makes the poster look balanced.

Target audience: The target audience for Doc Fest is males between the ages of 20-35 with a key interest in film. They would be part of the social grade ABC1 as their disposable income would be spent on cinema tickets and DVDs.

Regulatory bodies: there is no offensive material on this advertisement that would cause any harm to the public. It also doesn't glorify alcohol even though that may be consumed at the festival.

LO1- Analysing existing graphic design work, McDonalds

Purpose: the purpose of the McDonald's campaign is to advertise it's products to the audience and get the audience to buy them.

Format: the campaign is advertised in various different ways, one way is that it is put on posters which will be placed around various citites, also on billboards and also advertised on TV on different channels.

Content: there isn't a lot of information on the poster, all it contains is the logo, the product and a slogan, which is the same on most of their campaigns. There is a lot of white space on the McDonald's posters, this is to keep the main focus on the brand and the products. The house style of the campaigns are fairly simple. They stick to bright and bold colours including the famous red and yellow, this connotes they are a fun and happy company. The sans serif font makes the company look more modern, which helps reach out to a younger audience. 

Style: the style of the McDonald's campaigns are very bold, this is because the house style is very bright using colours such as red and yellow, this connotes a positive vibe so the audience are more likely to buy their products, also the colours are also connected to the brand. The style is also very modern, as it uses bold and sans serif fonts.

Layout: the layout of the poster is fairly simple, they don't add a lot of information and clutter up the poster. This is because they want to keep the focus on the product they are trying to sell which is the biggest part of the poster.

Target audience: the target audience for the McDonald's campaign is males between the ages of 13 and 25. This is because this is the usual age and gender seen eating the products on the advertisements. The social grading would be C2DE because the products are quite cheap.

Regulatory bodies:  There is no offensive material on this poster that could cause any harm to the viewer. Although it could promote an unhealthy lifestyle as the products are quite fattening. The McDonald's logo on the campaign is to make sure the company is branded and can not be copyrighted.

LO1- Analysing existing graphic design work, Chanel

Purpose: The purpose of this poster is to advertise Chanel to the public, to make them buy their products by using a aspirational celebrity to make them want to buy it to be like them.

Format: The format of this advertisement is a poster which will be placed around public places, it is also a billboard which would be placed on the side of roads. This campaign is also advertised on television, and on websites.

Content:  This poster is very simple, the only information on the poster is the name of the product, the product and a picture of Keira Knightley. The poster contains a lot of white space as they want the audience to focus on the product and the star icon. They use Keira Knightley as she is the ideal self to women, the audience will buy the product as they want to be like her. The colour scheme is fairly simple, as it sticks to black white and orange, this connotes that the company is very professional and sophisticated.

Style: The style of the Coco Mademoiselle campaign is very sophisticated and sexy as they want to appeal to a mature audience so that they will buy the product.

Layout: the layout on the campaign poster is very simple. The poster is set into two columns, the first column being the name of the product and the product itself, and the second column being the brand name Chanel and the star icon. The poster looks less cluttered due to the lack of information which makes the poster look neat and professional.

Target Audience: The target audience of the advertisement is females between the ages of 20-35. This is because the product is for females, also the age is due to the fact that the celebrity is this age and she relates to that audience.

Regulatory Bodies: The Advertising Standards Authority is the UK’s independent regulator of advertising across all media. This advertisement is not offensive as there is nothing which could cause harm to people. Also it does not show any false advertising as the advert doesn't tell you what the product is like. The Chanel logo will be copyrighted to the company, as the company is well known and is a multi-million dollar company.

Friday 26 June 2015

LO1- Moodboard for inspiration

Here I have gathered a few logos of existing festivals for inspiration for my festival logo which I am going to create. The colour red appears in a lot of the festivals, also the are all quite bright to make them fun and upbeat.